Sitka Sunrise

Sitka Sunrise
Sometimes it pays to walk the dog

Friday, April 29, 2011

Wild Winter Prep for 100 miles

Wild Winter Preparation

I decided when I moved back to Sitka that my goal was to attempt my first 100 miler. The past 4 years that started with a friend asking me to run a 50 miler and was further feed by living and running in Seattle with some of the most amazing friends and runners I know fueled the dream. Sometimes the ultra bug just bites you hard and you need to experience the 100 miler. I really didn’t expect to be bitten this hard. I though 50 miles would be my max.

Training in Alaska, especially small island town south east Alaska has its advantages. The first being at sea level we don’t get the snow I would in other areas, yet I can still access it if I want it. That means I can get good long runs in with footing issues, but I can cross train with backcountry snowboard or snowshoe days in the mountains. I must admit there have been many Saturdays spent in the mountains and then many Sundays spent on the gravel roads. I have had some amazing experiences this winter.
Most recently I spend a moonlight evening snowshoeing a ridge here in Sitka. It was simple the greatest mountain experience I have had to date. As I stood on the ridge I could turn 360 degrees and every thing my eyes saw made was beyond description. The snow covered mountains to the South and east, the ocean to mountain views to the North, and the open ocean to the west. I could not help but scream “This is amazing” as the hair on my neck stood up. It was calm, peaceful, and amazing. The perfect moment in time!

That is why I choose to do 100 miles or even 50 miles or even 50K. In training, I choose to put myself in places to be there for those amazing moments. Maybe I get a chance to be there for the perfect moment. I am a little crazy to run and hike as much and as far by some people’s standards. I can’t help but get that inner high from the views I have seen and the natural beauty of the world we live in. So 100 mile finish or not, the experience of 100 miles has already started. It has been a great experience so far and I can only anticipate more greatness from it.

The race will be the Bighorn Trail 100 on June 17th and 18th, 2011. It will not be an end or a beginning, it will just be another experience.

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